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DBBTMS- Digital Broadcasting And Broadband Technologies
The duration of the project – 36 mounth
Project coordinator – University in Pristina, Kosovska Mitrovica, Kosovo.
The aim of the project is introduction of study programs at the institutions of partner countries (academic at Universities and vocational in professional schools) that will allow students to acquire knowledge in the field of digital transmission of TV and audio signals, the introduction of new digital TV and audio services, as well as knowledge about the use and maintaining of adequate equipment.
Higher education institutions of the program countries will use their experience to help in the creation of the mentioned plans and programs in accordance with their academic practices, a TV broadcaster-partners, will help in accordance with the real needs that exist in these professional companies which graduates with the aforementioned program should have at the end of their schooling.
Partner institutions will equip its libraries with new literature, laboratories are going to be equiped for testing the characteristics of digital signals.
The success of the project depends on the approved accreditation of this program, as well as monitoring of at least the first generation of students enrolled in these studies. The aforementioned study plan need not be uniform and the same for all institutions, each institution can create a plan according to their needs and possibilities, but in the mentioned field.
In accordance with the foregoing, HTPSZ should develop a draft plan of the possible subjects-curriculums to be presented in the framework of a new program that should be accredited, and that would be more or less in line with the aim of the projects.