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KLABS- Creating the Network of Knowledge Labs for Sustainable and Resilient Environments
The duration of the project – 36 mounth
Coordinator of project – University in Pristina, Kosovska Mitrovica,Kosovo.
KLABS project proposes introduction of new postgraduate studies in higher education institution on Sustainable and Resilient Environments. The study will be based on the principle of Bologna. Studies will be in the national languages of countries, but if basic knowledge of the English language to be precondition for enrollment. The consortium will have a joint task to produce new materials and to develop effective methods of transferring knowledge.
Each of the higher education institutions of Partner Countries will develop least one module – innovative postgraduate study programs related to sustainable, resilient environment. Each module / study program will be accredited. The success of the project depends on the approved accreditation of this program, as well as monitoring bar of the first generation of students enrolled in these studies.